KSK Foundation Grant

In furtherance of our mission, we have created a KSK Foundation Grant. The Grant will provide money to help service individuals with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS). As we previously stated, the services may include: therapy, alternative or experimental treatment options, adapting patients homes to accommodate changing physical needs, medication, equipment and approved special requests.

At the bottom of this page, you will find our grant application in the form of a downloadable PDF file. In order to be considered for this grant, please download and complete the application and send it to us along with a letter of diagnosis from your doctor.

Please send your completed application and forms to:

The KSK Foundation
c/o Jennifer Bommarito
10 Lincoln Street
Garden City, NY 11530

grantapplication.pdf grantapplication.pdf
Size : 46 Kb
Type : pdf

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